Monarch Coaching Terms &  Agreements

Effective date: October 8, 2023

Updates added: August 22, 2024


Upon completing the online purchase of any Monarch Coaching LLC. Services including, but not limited to, coaching sessions, coaching packages, online webinars, in-person workshops, and online courses [collectively referred to as “The Service” or “Services”] the client, whose name and contact information has been entered upon purchase [referred to as “The Client”], agrees to the Monarch Coaching Terms and Services Agreement.



The Service will begin and end at the exact time agreed upon by the Client and Coach. Although unlikely, Monarch Coaching holds the right to reschedule any Client Service within 24-hours of the scheduled time.

If the Client is unable to attend their scheduled Service, they agree to reach out to Monarch Coaching to cancel or reschedule within 24-hours prior to the scheduled time of the session, otherwise they will be charged the full price of the original Service. The full price will be the original agreed-upon price that correlates to the package the Client has purchased online.

If the Client requests to cancel or reschedule less than 24-hours prior to their scheduled session, they agree to pay the full amount of the Service.

No more than one reschedule per session is allowed.



The Client agrees to pay the total cost of for the Service at the time of purchase, unless they have opted for the payment plan.

In the event of the Client’s absence or withdrawal from their Service for any reason whatsoever, the Client remains fully responsible for the unpaid balance of their Service. Monarch Coaching will not be responsible for refunding any payments made by the Client. By signing this Agreement, the Client agrees to be legally obligated to pay the full amount of the Service purchased.



The Client understands that Monarch Coaching has the right to terminate the Service if the Coach experiences any demeaning, offensive or threatening behavior from the Client. In the event that Monarch Coaching terminates this Agreement, the Client is still responsible to pay any unpaid balance for the Service.



The Client acknowledges the Coach will keep all information exchanged during the session in strict confidentiality. Additionally, the Client is aware that the Coach is prohibited from disclosing protected information, except upon written authorization by the Client.



This agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Michigan. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable, the remaining portions of the Agreement shall be severed and remain in full force. In the event a dispute arises between the parties, either arising from this Agreement or otherwise pertaining to the relationship between the parties, the parties will submit to binding arbitration before the American Arbitration Association (Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Center for the Americas Mediation and Arbitration Rules). Any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Such arbitration shall be conducted by a single arbitrator. The sole remedy that can be awarded to the Client in the event that an award is granted in arbitration is refund of the Program Fee. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no award of consequential or other damages, unless specifically set forth herein, may be granted to the Client.


If the terms of this Agreement are acceptable, please check the box that reads “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this page.” By doing so, the Client acknowledges that: (1)he/she/they have reviewed this agreement; (2)he/she/they have had an opportunity to, if desired, have it reviewed by an attorney; and (3) the Client understands, accepts and agrees to abide by the terms hereof.